Menstrual Cycle & Period Management: Easy relief from Menstrual Pain
Menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle is a series of natural as well as complex changes that take place in female bodies periodically.
In a nutshell, getting periods is called menstruation.
Changes can be seen during Periods :
● The pituitary gland in the brain signals ovaries to secrete estrogen and progesterone
● These sex hormones prepare the body for a possible pregnancy.
● The hormonal secretion brings changes in the uterus and ovaries for the upcoming pregnancy.
Time & Duration:
The menstrual cycle begins on the first day of the last period and ends on the first day of the next. Although the length of a normal menstrual cycle differs from woman to woman, the average length of a cycle can be between 24 to 28 days.
It’s a continuous cyclic process that occurs every month in a female body from menarche to menopause. menarche refers to the first periods that come during puberty and menopause indicates the phase when a woman stops getting periods forever.
Phrases of Menstruation Cycle:
The menstrual cycle passes through 4 main stages of progression -
1. Menstrual phase
The menstrual phase begins on the first day of menstruation and lasts till the 5th day of the menstrual cycle i.e., 1–5 days
Events occur during this phase:
● The uterus discharges its inner lining of soft tissue and blood vessels, called the endometrium
● The linings get rid of the body through the vagina in the form of menstrual fluid.
● The uterine and the abdominal muscles start shrinking to exit the menstrual fluid, which may cause experiencing abdominal cramps.
Normal blood loss during this phase is 10 ml to 80 ml
2. The Follicular Phase:
The follicular phase of your menstrual cycle begins from the first day of your period and lasts up until ovulation i.e. the 13th day of the menstrual cycle.
Events occur during this phase:
● Estrogen levels rise as the pituitary gland secretes more hormones.
● This hormonal change stimulates the growth of egg cells in the ovaries.
● One of these egg cells starts to mature and takes the shape of a bag-like structure. This is called a follicle. It takes 13 days for the egg cell to become a follicle.
● The follicular hormones stimulate the uterine to develop its lining, blood vessels, and soft tissue again.
● The ovaries prepare for the release of an egg for possible fertilization.
3. Ovulation:
It occurs on the 14th day of the cycle. This phase generally occurs around two weeks prior to periods.
Events occur during this phase:
● The pituitary gland secretes a hormone that prompts the ovary to expel the mature egg cell or follicle.
● The estrogen level peaks and drops just shortly after.
● The released egg cell travels into the fallopian tube by the cilia of the fimbriae and can implant itself into the walls of the uterus.
● The normal lifespan of an egg is about 24 hours. Unless it is fertilized by a sperm cell during this span, it dies and is shed along with the uterine lining.
Fimbriae are finger-like projections located at the end of the fallopian tube close to the ovaries and cilia are slender hair-like projections on each Fimbria.
4. The Luteal Phase:
This phase begins on the 15th day and lasts till the end of the cycle i.e., it occurs between ovulation and the first day of the next period.
The following events occur during this phase:
● During this phase, a rise in the level of progesterone is seen that helps in maintaining the thickness of the uterine lining so that the fertilized egg can be implanted easily.
● The mature egg cell stays in the fallopian tube for 24 hours waiting for a sperm to be fertilized.
● If during that time the sperm cell does not impregnate the egg cell within 24 hours the egg cell dies and pregnancy does not occur.
● Progesterone level drops quickly, which causes the uterine lining to break down and shed away, along with other menstrual fluid.
● The estrogen hormone starts secreting to help the uterus to retain its endometrium which welcomes the beginning of the next menstrual phase.
Period Management:
Period management is the process of getting normal, safe, and regular Periods. Period management encounters numerous menstrual problems like:
● Periods that occur less than 21 days or more than 35 days apart
● Missing three or more periods in a row
● Menstrual flow that is much heavier or lighter than usual
● Periods that last longer than seven days
● Periods that are accompanied by pain, cramping, nausea, or vomiting
● Bleeding or spotting that happens between periods, after menopause, or following sex
Period Management Products:
Only the right period products can help you to have safe and comfortable periods. Find those period products that satisfy your needs, may it be sanitary pads or tampons. You have used disposable paper towels, contact lenses, cups, and cutlery, but you probably never thought about disposable underwear.
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Two styles:
Low Rise Bikinis and High-Cut Briefs.
Sizes include:
S, M, L, XL, XXL
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● This means that, unlike your regular underwear which will allow bloodstains to pass immediately to your clothes, this special material could prevent otherwise potentially embarrassing moments.