Why are you not getting periods in Time: Are All Delayed or Irregular Periods Abnormal or a Sign of Illness?


We’ll be talking about irregular periods, delayed periods and missed periods, and everything around them.

Typically the duration of a menstrual cycle is anything between 22 to 35 days. starting from the first day of the period till the first day of the next cycle. There is nothing called a 28-day cycle. for someone 22 days could be normal; for someone 35 days could be normal. Typically 5 to 7 days of variation is acceptable.

What do You mean by Irregular Periods?

Now this means that in case this variation is more than eight days and this kind of irregularity is coming more than two or three times a year, this means that we now need to investigate and find out why the periods are becoming irregular. I know this may sound a little technical to you. but for all of you who are having irregular periods, it is worthwhile to understand the entire game around the periods.

Roles of Hormones in Period Cycle

so the entire game actually is played by four hormones:

  • FSH which is Follicle Stimulating Hormone
  • LH which is the Luteinizing Hormone
  • Estrogen
  • Progesterone

Causes of the Delayed Periods

So now let’s discuss the causes of the delayed periods. All delayed or irregular periods are not always abnormal or a sign of illness.

A. Natural Reasons

There are certain physiological reasons for irregular periods which means there are natural reasons. There are certain phases in a woman’s life, where the periods go irregular.

1. Beginning of the Adolescent Age

At the beginning of the adolescent age or the teenage when the girl starts having her periods. This is absolutely normal. you don’t have to worry about them and the periods would eventually become normal.

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2. Pregnancy

The second thing is obviously pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant, she does not get her period.

3. Breast Feeding

The third thing is when she is feeding her baby which is she is lactating. So when she is lactating, there’s a hormone called prolactin which is secreted in the body, which actually suppresses the ovulation so I’m sure you all probably would have heard from the senior ladies in the house saying “okay”. Till the time woman is feeding the child, the periods don’t come so this is perfectly normal.

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4. Perimenopausal

The fourth time when the periods naturally become irregular is when she is perimenopausal which means when the periods are about to stop so this is the time when the ovulation becomes irregular this is the time actually the number of eggs in the ovary.

B. Abnormal Reasons

Now, let’s talk about the pathological or the abnormal reasons for missing the period. Any process which disturbs the ovulation or makes it irregular will make the periods irregular. So when a person comes with an irregular period, the doctor asks for a detailed history. They talk about whether she’s gained weight; whether she’s undergoing any kind of stress etc.

1. Thyroid Problem:

The number one cause of irregular periods is a thyroid problem. The most common symptom by which abnormal thyroid function is diagnosed in women is by having abnormal periods.

2. Extra Prolactin Secretion:

The second is there’s a hormone called prolactin. In some people, there is extra prolactin which is secreted because of probably some kind of malfunction in a pituitary gland in the brain.

3. PCOD:

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The most common cause these days we see of irregular periods is PCOD, which is Poly-Cystic Ovarian Disease. This is a situation wherein the ovary forms small cysts and they basically produce abnormal hormones which lead to irregular periods.

4. Premature Ovarian Failure:

Another cause of irregular periods could be premature ovarian failure. This is a disturbing thing that is happening late pretty commonly in a normal person. The age of menopause is supposed to be after 38 years. But any menopause which happens before the age of 38 is called premature menopause and these days we are seeing girls as young as probably 34–35 going into menopause.

5. Lifestyle Factors:

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Then there could be certain lifestyle factors. The most common cause is excessive weight gain or obesity or a high BMI.

So I tell this everyone, exercise should be moderate. You really do not have to go overboard. You must have heard people who are into high performance, people who are marathon runners also experience irregular periods.

6. Physical Stress:

Another reason for irregular periods could be any kind of physical or mental stress. now by physical stress, I mean somebody has had some serious illness in the recent past; somebody has undergone a surgery

7. Mental Stress:

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Mental stress means somebody’s exams are approaching. These days because of the COVID people are indoors, they are probably not very happy, and some people are losing their job. Financial stress, Relationship stress any kind of excessive mental exercise also is not very good.

8. Medications:

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There could be certain medications if taken, that can cause disturbing fears. For example, certain medications are taken for endometriosis, progesterone cancer drugs, certain psychiatric medicines, etc. So these are also things which can disturb the periods.



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